Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Maureen Gammon – President
Debbie Adler – Vice President
Jamie Aloia – Vice President
Nancy Gallt – Secretary
Laura Hunt – Treasurer
Holly Gauthier – Membership
Tory Somers – Community Outreach
Joe Facchinel – Events
Tricia Benn
Ali Singer

In order to serve on the Board of the Montrose Park Historic District Association, Trustees must be residents of the Historic District. Please see the By-Laws of our association for details.

The MPHDA is always looking for interested individuals who would like to be involved with our ongoing activities and events, or to serve on our Board of Trustees when openings are available.

Please contact us if you would like to join our association, be more involved with our activities, or would like to nominate an historic district resident to be a Trustee at election time.

We gratefully acknowledge the service of our
former MPHDA Trustees

Bob Adler: 2005-2007
Jim Ankner: 2008-2012
Craig Axtell: 2008-2012
Ruth Baker: 1998-2003
Joan Boone: 1994-1998
Allison Brown: 2004-2007
Maureen Christensen: 1996-2000
Amy Dahn: 1994-2008
Joyce Faucette Farmer: 1996-2000
Kathy Flaxman: 1994-2000
Agnieszka Grzybowska: 2004-2008
Gary Hilbert: 2003-2004
Bob Kasbar: 1994
Kim Kelly
Chris Krecke: 2008-2020
Suzanne L’Hernault: 2006-2011
Warren Leonard: 2002-2024
John Lopos
Rebecca Lubot-Conk: 2008-2010
Risa Lysenko: 1997-2000
Karen McDermott: 1998-2002
Liz Meny: 2017-2025
Suzanne Michaud: 2007
Joseph Nassaney: 2004
Ernie Osle: 2007-2011
Nancy Paetzold: 1998-2001
Rayna Pomper: 2001-2004
Stacey Pulley: 2003-2006
Lee Rafkin: 2007-2010
Kathy Ramshaw: 1998-2002
John Reynolds: 1994-1998
Judy Runciman: 1999-2007
Stephen Schnall: 2007-2016
Karen Scordato: 2005
Roy Scott: 1994-2000
Hilda Silverman: 2006-2024
Marc Siry: 2010-2013
Janet Skrobe: 1994-1998
Carolyn Tindall: 2008-2010
Jami Thall: 2002-2003
Naoma Welk: 2002-2013
Bill Webster: 2000-2006
Margaret Wierzbicki: 1994-2002
Ginny Zonfrilli: 1994-2000


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