227 Turrell Avenue
227 Turrell Avenue is a 2 1/2 story, 3 bay, rectangular plan, brick, Mediterranean/eclectic, residential building. Built c. 1925, of buff brick, the house is dominated by a green pan tile-clad hipped roof, and a Doric column-supported open portico. The portico roof matches the main roof. Fenestration consists of 6/1 windows on the second floor, tri-partite window groupings with multi-pane upper sash on the first floor, and an entrance with leaded fanlight and sidelights. The main block of the house is flanked by open column-supported porches.
- Block: 1103
- Lot: 19
- Contributing Outbuildings: 1 stylistically similar detached garage (C)
- Non-Contributing Outbuildings:
- Key Outbuildings: