290 Vose Avenue
290 Vose Avenue is a 2 story, 3 bay, rectangular plan, stone and wood frame, Colonial Revival, residential building, set on a perpendicular to Vose Avenue. The c. 1895, side gable-roofed house is articulated by a full width shed dormer, pier-supported pedimented portico, a rubblestone foundation and first floor with wood shingle cladding on the upper floors, 6/1 windows and a set back side porch. The first floor windows feature segmentally-arched stone window surrounds. The house was originally built as a carriage house. Around 1920, the second floor was converted for residential use and the porch and garage were added.
- Block: 1101
- Lot: 5
- Contributing Outbuildings: 0
- Non-Contributing Outbuildings:
- Key Outbuildings: