407 Vose Avenue
407 Vose Avenue is a 2 1/2 story, 3 bay, rectangular plan, wood frame, altered, vernacular, residential building. The c. 1870, hipped roof house features an intersecting cross gable, clapboard cladding, a pedimented entrance with blind fanlight and leaded transom and sidelights. There is also a major cross gable dormer over the entrance. The original windows are 2/2 set in a shouldered surround. Many of the windows have been replaced with inappropriate, smaller windows, closing down the window opening and severely altering the appearance of the house. However, because this is one of the original houses of the Montrose area, it is considered contributing to the district.
- Block: 415
- Lot: 1
- Contributing Outbuildings: 0
- Non-Contributing Outbuildings:
- Key Outbuildings: