555 Berkeley Avenue
555 Berkeley Avenue is a 2 1/2 story, 5 bay, rectangular plan, brick, Colonial Revival/eclectic, residential building.
Constructed c. 1920, the slate-clad, hipped roof, estate house is articulated by paired shed dormers and paired massive paneled chimneys, overhanging eaves, and a projecting two bay, side wing. Fenestration consists of a variety of window groupings on the north facade, including 4/6 double hung windows, and multiple-pane casement groups with transoms on the south side. Additional design details include brick lintels and cast stone sills, a wooden classicizing entablature, and a classicizing limestone entrance surround surmounted by a broken bonnet pediment.
A matching garage is attached to the house by a breezeway. The driveway to the house is approached through a pair of brick piers with the name “Holmwood” inscribed in them. This designation belongs to an earlier, larger estate, now listed as 565 Berkeley Avenue.
555 Berkeley was built by Paul Starrett, one of five brothers-partners, of the Thompson-Starrett Company, one of the largest construction companies in the United States at the turn of the century. The company was known for their erection of high and monumental buildings, such as the Empire State Building, all noted for their quick construction.
- Block: 503
- Lot: 4
- Contributing Outbuildings:
- Non-Contributing Outbuildings:
- Key Outbuildings: 0