560 Centre Street
560 Centre Street is a 2 1/2 story, 3 bay (plus Doric column supported-side porch), rectangular plan, Italian Renaissance-inspired, masonry bearing, residential building. The stucco-clad, c. 1920 house, features a red clay, pan tile clad, clipped gable roof with hipped dormers, overhanging bracketed eaves and a Doric column-supported portico. other ornamentation includes overhanging oriel windows with multi-pane upper sash and paired bracket supports. The entrance has leaded sidelights and transom. Additional details include a classicizing entablature, inset mosaic panels at the first floor level, and leaded windows in the hipped dormer and above the portico.
- Block: 702
- Lot: 29
- Contributing Outbuildings: 1 stylistically similar detached garage (C)
- Non-Contributing Outbuildings:
- Key Outbuildings: